
Thursday 29 September 2011

My Experience @ RichMix Music Video Workshop

Spending the day at the 'RichMix' workshop was very beneficial to me as it provided me with opportunities to boost my confidence when making my music video and information from professional members of the media department of RichMix on what should be done to create a successful music video. If I had any concerns, the RichMix team were supportive and there to answer my questions and to help me with any problems. I learnt that one important part of having a successful music video is having the mis en scene available. We saw a clip of media students from a different school who arranged everything in their music video on the same day that they were shooting and although they gathered everything they needed including the props, actors, etc, the music video wasn't of a brilliant standard. Communicating with the members in your group and organising things before hand will help to make the music video a success. If we are to use someone else's song, it is best to rehearse and go through the lyrics with the person acting the song because if the video is being shot and the actors do not know the lyrics, the feel of the music video will not be as exciting as the actor will not be in sync with the song in the background. I also learnt that if you are making a music video, you should actually sing the lyrics instead of mimicking them. This way, the music video will feel more real and it won't look as boring. It's always good to be yourself in a music video. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you. As long as you're comfortable with what you're doing and it looks good, thats all that matters. I learnt at RichMix that you should'nt be half hearted because the music video will end up            

 looking boring and not as exciting as the original. I also had the opportunity to take part in a group activity with students from other schools and our task was to re create a music video. (Robbie Williams - Let Me Entertain You) We were encouraged by our teachers and the RichMix crew to have our faces painted and to have certain people playing different roles. I took the role as Robbie Williams. It was a great experience and i enjoyed taking part in it because it helped me to understand how it feels to actually make a music video on low budget and to be honest I felt quite nervous but it did help me boost my confidence. It made me understand that I need to show my full potential when it comes to my real music video.

Overall, it was a great experience for me and everyone else who came to RichMix.There were parts that weren't fully explained like the editing techniques because we ran out of time but with the advice and support that was given, I feel as if I can make a better music video than i originally thought.


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