
Monday 28 November 2011

Editing and Creativity Challenge Task (Evaluation)

Our teacher set us an editing and creativity challenge task, which required us to try out and practice one of three editing techniques: iStop Motion, .... We chose to try out and practice... This was helpful because it gave us an insight into what kind of editing techniques would look effective in a music video, and it also gave us first hand experience of how to successfully use final cut express to create and incorporate visually appealing editing techniques into a music video. Everyone in the class was asked to use the first 16 seconds of the song Kickstart by UK artist Example when practicing editing techniques. The reason we chose to practice this editing technique rather than the other two is because we saw it being used in Examples music video for Kickstart, and we liked the idea of the shots sliding, and the peoples feet tapping in synchronisation with the music. 

I personally feel that our editing and creativity task didn't turn out to be how I imagined it. However, as we were rushed for time and only had one lesson to experiment and practice editing techniques which were new to us, I strongly feel that this may be the reason why. I feel that we did an okay job considering that we spent about 40 mins filming and only 20 minutes editing. An area in which we could improve in is timing when each shot slides in to ensure that it matches the beat of the song, as they appeared to slide in at random parts of the song. An advantage of using editing techniques is that it gave us the chance to be creative and because there are a variety of different editing techniques which can be used, they don't get boring. A disadvantage of using editing techniques is that filming the footage can be time consuming and if you don't know how to use final cut express efficiently to edit, it could take even longer to edit the footage.


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